Sunday, October 7, 2012

Crazy Beautiful Life.

I had such a fabulous time with my sister this weekend. It was so refreshing having her here I just loved it! She arrived her by train on Thursday night and so she got to come to Cru with me! I love when people I love get to see my life at school and Cru is definitely a huge part! 

Then we went to the Cru hangout and then came back to my room and we watched a movie and snuggled and just got to hangout and be together and that was super wonderful. 

Then on Friday I had a couple classes so she slept during my first one and then we got lunch in the dining center and then I went to my second class. After classes we went and walked around Uptown Normal and bought hoodies and looked at all the cute shops. We didn't last too long though since it was so cold out. Then we went to the mall with Autumn and shopped around, cooked dinner at Autumns, and then went to go see taken 2! Afterwords we headed to a friends place and played some games and just hung out. Overall a busy but really great day! 

Saturday was another really crazy day! We "tailgated" which to us was going over to my friends house and grilling out and just spending time together and then playing some games and then we headed to the homecoming football game. Annie and I only stayed for half the game because we were popsicles. When we got back we took a nap and then went over to our friends place again and played spoons and mafia. Then we went to have some fabulous ice cream at Emacks and then came back and went to bed. 

This morning we got to sleep in a little longer than the other days. We went to church and it was so wonderful. He talked about DTR (defining the relationship) with Jesus. He told us to reflect over three questions: 

           1. Why am I even here? (at church)-meaning am I here to really here about Jesus or just by obligation. 
           2. Are you all in?- am I being completely faithful to Jesus and not to just being a fan of Jesus? Often we pick and chose what parts of Jesus we like and then that makes us become a fan of Him. As a follower you are giving everything and doing everything for His glory whether you like it or not. 
           3. Have you made it your own?- if I am comfortable and not following till it hurts it isn't costing me anything. 

What do you think? Are you a fan or a follower? 

After church we had an amazing lunch with some of the older people in the church. They made us a homemade meal and shared their lives with us and how Jesus has worked and gave us tons of wisdom. 

Annie and I came back after church and watched yet another movie, ate dinner at the Coffee House (super yummy!) and then she was off in the night. 

As I am sitting in my bed writing this I am looking out of the window in my room at the beautiful sunset. In the background there is a song talking about how awesome the Lord most high is. I am tearing up just thinking about how amazingly motivating God is all the time. 

I am always amazed at the power that God has in my life.

God loves me so much and gives me such pure acceptance. I have learned to seek Gods acceptance verses seeking acceptance in people and in the world view.

For a long time it was really hard for me to believe in my heart that Jesus wants to know me. I would often wonder how the heck I deserved to be seen in that way by Jesus.

I know now that God loves me more than I could ever imagine and more than any person and that he has a plan for my life that far exceeds anything I could think of for myself.

Despite Gods love for us sin is something that we will always do. As a human I do things that separate me from God. Anything that I do that isn’t to do with the attitude and truths of my God is sin. Sin is something that puts a huge gap in between me and my relationship with God. Sin makes me not be able to reach God based on works because as I try to reach him I will always fail.

But then something miraculous happened, something that would forever change the hearts and lives of Christians. No longer would I have to live in sin and try to reach God by works or by my own power.

Jesus died on the cross for my sins.

So often I hear that statement and because I grew up learning these things in a church for a long time it didn’t mean very much to me.

When Jesus died on the cross suddenly there was a bridge for me to reach my great God. Jesus allowed us to have a personal relationship with Him and His Father. Jesus took the penalty of death on the cross to take my penalty of death which is sin and not being in heaven for eternity.

These are all fabulous things for us to know but just having this knowledge is not enough to get me into heaven.

I learned that I must have 100% faith in my God and receive Him as my savior. Following Christ is putting him in the center and being fully committed to living for His will.

This life that Christ has given us is one of greatness. Because of his death on the cross we are able to ask Christ to forgive us when we sin against Him and he will always do it.

I am seen as perfect by my amazing God and that is one of the greatest gifts that I could ever ask for.

The word grace is one that has been a huge part of my relationship with the Lord. Having grace for someone is accepting someone and forgiving them unconditionally no matter what they do in the past and no matter how little they deserve it. Jesus does this for us. I know how difficult it is for me to have grace in my life and something that I ask the Holy Spirit to show me often.

God’s gift in His son is everything I live for. Jesus is my all in all. Jesus doesn't call us to be perfect but he does call us to be completely focused on following him and that is something worth striving towards.

Today I am overwhelmed by the beautiful life Christ has blessed me with and that God has sent his son to give me so much joy in my everyday life through a relationship with Him. 

Thanks for reading and I love you all. 


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