Monday, April 8, 2013

In need of a Savior.

Hello lovely friends!! 

First of all lets just comment on this beautiful weather?!?! So much joy have come from these last three days that have been in the 70s! I went to the zoo and a baseball game Saturday, got to grill out yesterday after church and then I laid on the quad for a couple of hours and did homework and today just walking to class and having my windows open in my room is just making me happy happy happy!! :) I must say I am beyond thankful for this weather. 

Anyways, lots has happened this week. Some good, some kind of crazy but at this point I am just content which is a major blessing because this last week was kind of tough as you read from my last post but it is cool to see God using these things for His glory. Let me unpack that a little bit...:) 

After my little rough patch with my mom last week things have significantly improved. We never really talked it out and I am not sure if we ever will because our argument was based on something we probably will always have to agree to disagree on.  One cool thing about it though was that it brought my sister and I a little closer. Some of the things we have to go through because of my parents divorce sucks but it is nice to have someone to do it with who can completely relate because she is living it too. 

This week has really grown me closer to the Lord which is great. I had to remind myself often that I was loved and cherished by Christ and that he would never let me down. I think by realizing how much I am believing lies it helped me realize the importance of fighting those by reminding myself promises of my always faithful God. This is something I have been praying God would make present in my life and he has been faithful. 

This week I have been learning a lot about my condition as a sinner. (I am still reading Living the Cross Centered Life) Knowing this about my self has helped me to process through my need for a Savior and has been huge in growing me closer to the Lord because it shows me how much suffering Jesus had to take on. It is just crazy to me that he would do this for me! 

Here is a couple quotes that I think describes our condition well as well as our need for a Savior: 

"Our condition is having no possible way to atone for our sin, nor any possible way to free ourselves from enslavement." C.J. Mahaney 

"If Christ the redeemer had been only God he could not have died, since God by His very nature cannot die. It was only as a man that Christ could represent humanity and die as a man. As God, however, Christ's death had infinite value sufficient to supply redemption for the sins of all man kind. Clearly then Christ had to be both God and man to secure mans salvation." Ron Rhodes 

PRAISE JESUS for divinely rescuing us from this crazy sinful condition we are in. PRAISE JESUS for coming to earth and suffering so that we can now have personal relationship with Him. I know I couldn't imagine my life without a Savior and this amazing relationship that is now possible. 

God has really taught me how to be more conscious of my condition in repentance as well. The She Reads Truth study going on right now is all about prayer and it has talked about repentance quite a bit and it has been so cool to see repentance becoming more of a regular thing in my heart and it is cool to see biblical support for it. 

So that is what I am learning this week. In no way am I able to reach my Savior on my own but through the blood of Jesus Christ I am saved and am cleansed by the power of the Cross and through repentance. Praise God for his grace! 

"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness.'" 
2 Corinthians 12:9  



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