Sunday, March 24, 2013


Goodness, I just can't believe how fast these last few weeks has flown by. I cannot believe that we are already six weeks away from the semester being over. 

Life is just crazy but I am super thankful for the time that I got to spend with Lord tonight! (and for the time to blog!) It is pretty rare for me to get such a substantial time with the Lord so that was pretty great and I learned some pretty sweet things. 

The She Reads Truth study on the Songs of Ascents ended today and I am just blown away with how God has used that to teach me SO MUCH about his character. The last day was about praise and how important it is for God's word to so deeply dwell in my heart that it brings about a natural joy that can only be because of the Holy Spirit. 

As I was processing through that and some questions that came along with the study I realized how beneficial memorizing scripture is. I realized that if I expect to be consistently seeking Christ in daily decision making, it is important for me to have knowledge of his scripture so that when I can't spend time in the Word I can be reminded of the beneficial and ultimate truths of His Word. I also think it will allow me to have my day be more revolved around being Christ centered instead of Allison centered. 

Going along with my life being Allison centered I have been reading Living the Cross Centered Life still and gosh is God using that to teach me so much about feelings. I am a very feelings oriented person. If I am feeling crappy then that directly effects the way I feel toward God and that is just so screwed up. 

The book talked about how my relationship with God is not qualified by a certain "passion" that I seem to expect. In reality that is just prideful. My emotions and feelings are unstable and unreliable and are not the ultimate truth. For some reason I find myself giving my feelings the job of dictating how I live my life and the way I make decisions. Wrong. 

Here's a quote that called me right out on all of things discussed above:

"The humble are those whose first response to objective truth from God's word is not to ask, 'how do I feel?' but to say, I'm not going to let my faith be determined and directed by the subjective and the experiential. Instead I confess openly before God that I will believe the objective truths of his word regardless of how I feel." C.J. Mahaney 

So there it is, friends. What God is teaching me right now. My life is not Allison centered it is God centered and in order to allow this to be consistent in my life I need to be in prayer and consistently allow the Word of God to dwell in my heart. Feelings follow submission. If I submit myself to my great God then feelings of  joy that can only be explained by Jesus will come. Those are the feelings I want to experience-the feelings of gratitude for a Savior that are so strong that they could only be coming from the Holy Spirit. "And these feelings will be reliable because they are anchored in truth." (Mahaney) Anchored. Father, shape my soul to be anchored by Your truths and not by my feelings. I praise You for Your consistencies even when my feelings aren't consistent. 

As Holy Week begins I am examining my heart to be focused on and anchored in Christ. Jesus, allow my heart to be wrecked, changed, and humble me in worship of you by drawing nearer to the Cross.

Thanks for reading! 


P.S: I realized I didn't post ANY of my picture from my trip so here is a gem! (courtesy of Matt Adachi!): 

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