Monday, November 12, 2012


I cannot believe how quickly the weeks are going here. The semester is winding down. As I am reflecting on this semester and how quickly the days go I am realizing that I don't seek to glorify God in my everyday activities or look for God actively working in my life in daily things. It easy to get in the mindset that God can't work in a big lecture hall and that is just not the case. I am coming to the Lord in prayer this week to reveal Himself to me and bring me joy in daily, and sometimes seemingly mundane, life. 

Speaking of prayer I shared in the past how prayer has seemed to be a non-existent part of my life lately. Through many events that happened this past week I have sought out time to sit in silence and just talk to God. It makes me wonder why I don't take that time more often. It is so relieving to talk to God about things and feel no judgement but instead feel His grace wash over me. 

This week I have been doing  a study by Beth Moore (an amazing Christian author/speaker) called Real Freedom: The Journey, The Stories. It was a short study that looked at five different aspects of Christianity that hinders me from living a life full of freedom in Christ. 

She introduced the study by reminding me that "a Christian is held captive by anything that hinders the full and effective Spirit-filled life God planned for her." (I LOVE that Beth Moore writes to women-it makes it feel so much more personal!) She also shared that Christ came to set the captives free, bind up the brokenhearted, and to open the eyes of the blind. 

She shares the benefits I have as a result of being a child of God. I get to know God and believe Him, find satisfaction in God, glorify God, experience God's peace, and enjoy God's presence. I feel so insanely blessed to have these beautiful benefits...and the best part is that I don't even deserve them but because of the cross and Jesus' sacrifice these have been given to me. To me, that is the beauty of loving Jesus. 

Beth Moore starts the first chapter with an important point. The moment I accepted Christ was the moment that I could confidently approach the Lord. Christ has already done all of the work all I must do is acknowledge I am a sinner and cannot save myself and acknowledge that Christ is the son of God and only He can save me. Because of that I can and must believe that His crucifixion was for personal sins and His death was on my behalf and give him my life and ask Him to be my savior. 

The largest obstacle that there is in believing God is unbelief. (2 Cor. 5:7) Every believer is going to experience unbelief at one point or another in their life. Unbelief for me would be doubting in the abilities and promises of God and then falling into the lies of Satan. 

The next chapter reminded me that I am created for God's glory and God's glory far exceeds anything I can comprehend. Glory is the way that God makes himself known or shows himself mighty and recognizable. However, in order for God to show His glory thorough me I must overcome the temptation to seek my own glory by desiring His instead. This temptation is described as pride. (Something I definitely struggle with.)

My pride covers my heart from the Lord. God desires to set me free from my past but my pride keeps me from believing this truth. My pride doesn't like to be told what to do especially by God's Word.   Pride makes my mind believe that that my sin is a secret. 

When I humble myself before the Lord I am acknowledging that He is great and I am not. 

I have learned that my sincere hope as I serve others needs to be that somehow people will see God's glory in my. I know that that is going to take a lot of prayer and trust in the Holy Spirits power...because after all God IS all powerful. 

She then discussed the problem that is idolatry. This is a huge one that it is easy to fall into. Our society so encourages social media and I think that is a huge place that I see taking  over my time more than my time with the Lord. 

When I dig into the deeper issue I realized that I am seeking satisfaction in the world when in reality God created me to only be satisfied in Him. Only Jesus is absolutely satisfying. 

Then she talked about prayerlessness. Basically, prayer is a huge aide in finding peace. Prayer is a great prescription for anxiety. Peace comes from an active, ongoing, and obedient relationship with Christ. Even Jesus sought out is so prideful of me to think that I can go without when in reality the whole reason that Jesus came was to give me that relationship where I could be in prayer with the Lord. 

It is really easy for me to believe that there are other things that are more tangible than prayer such as talking to a friend but by communicating with God I begin to enjoy a "continual supply of strength to walk in peace even in a war zone." If I grant God complete access to my heart, mind and soul I will be free to rest in Him. (Matt. 22:37)

The final chapter warned the believer to beware of legalism. This could look like having a check list of things to do to maintain your walk with Christ. ("I have to read my bible today") It also shows itself when I am looking at others faults but this stops me from examining the conditions of my own heart. It also could occur when my motivation for doing things is other than love and devotion for God. 

I have grown so much from this study and have learned so many things about finding true freedom in Christ over the course of this semester. 

This weekend was crazy and emotional but absolutely amazing! On Friday night we had women's time. It has always been very difficult for me to be open with women and I was able to share some really personal thing and it was so eye opening to how powerful that can be. They also had a men's and women's panel to answer some anonymous questions which was really eye opening. 

We went to dinner for my dear friend Sabriah's birthday and it was great to spend time with her and other great friends. Then we had all campus worship where people from different ministries come together in one band to lead two hours of worship and prayer time. Oh man you could feel the Holy Spirit in the room. It was beautiful to see so many hands raised all for the same God!!!! 

It was such a Holy Spirit present (not sure if that makes sense :)) weekend. I just saw the Lord moving in people all over and it was beautiful. It makes my heart so warm to be in fellowship with other believers. 

Thanks for reading my incredibly long post! :) I love you all! 


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