Saturday, September 21, 2013

His Will.

Hi friends! 

I am going to be honest I don't have anything super fancy to write here, I am just happy and I want to share that with you. I am processing through life and just realizing how truly thankful I am for God's grace and for the place He has me in right in this moment. 

There are lots of things coming at me right now. Deciding whether to sign the lease on my house again because I don't know where my field base will be, figuring out post-graduation plans, figuring out what it looks like to follow God well as I become more involved in my major and give him control of my school work when it feels like I can do it on my own, figuring out what it looks like to follow the Lord as a single women in a world that is pressuring me to get married. So. Many. Things. 

In the midst of all these crazy things though, the Holy Spirit is giving me a sense of peace that I can't put words to. He is teaching me to live in His embrace and just how much he adores me. That is where this sense of calm is coming from. From me living in light of the gospel and taking time to point myself back to Him through scripture and prayer. My heart is so happy and I praise God for giving me contentment in this place. 

As I look at that massive list of things swirling through my head there is one common theme of all of them: unbelief. Unbelief that God has my life under control. Unbelief that He has perfect timing for everything that I have on my plate. Unbelief that He is powerful to use these things for His good. These are all lies, and I am believing them. 

So, I look to the truth. God has where I am going to live next year in His plan for me and has it under control. God knows what my school life will look like and continually pushes me to surrender it to Him. God will determine if He desires me to be single or not and if a relationship will come my way, He will use it glorify Himself and draw me closer to the gospel and if not, He will still use my life to glorify Himself and draw me closer to the gospel, and that is okay. 

Ultimately, God's got it all. And no matter what things look like for the rest of my life, I pray that I would see Him shaping me and transforming me for the sake of making the gospel known. That is what I am designed for and I trust that He will do this within His perfect will. 

Friends, what things are you not believing about Jesus right now? What is He calling you to give up to Him in order to see what His will is for it rather than your own? 

Think about it. Process it with the Lord. Ask Him what He wants you to surrender. Prayerfully seek Him and seek peace in the Holy Spirit. This sense of peace will allow you to focus on God rather than on your anxieties and give God glory through it. After you process with the Lord I would love to process through things with and praying with you through the surrender. 


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